E-scooters have been commonly used across several cities in California. Many regions approve of the idea of using an e-scooter as an easy method of transportation. It provides people with a convenient option if their destination is too far for a walk and too close to drive to. However, there are other cities that frown upon the idea of anyone using an e-scooter.
Within the past few years, there have been numerous reports of riders suffering serious injuries from an e-scooter accident. Furthermore, there have been e-scooter companies that have released defective e-scooters for public use. Regardless of whether or not you are an experienced rider, you can still get yourself in a collision.
If you are a victim of an e-scooter accident and would like to file a lawsuit against the person or company at-fault, West Coast Trial Lawyers has Solana Beach e-scooter accident attorneys that will devote their knowledge and expertise to ensure you get the justice you deserve. Our Solana Beach personal injury law firm has won over 5,000 cases and has acquired more than $1 billion in settlements and judgments for our clients.
If you are interested in scheduling a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced e-scooter accident attorneys, please contact us by calling (858) 283-5917 or emailing [email protected].
Defects are frequently found in e-scooters. Lime issued a global recall for their e-scooters after announcing that it may fall apart while being used. Safety issues contribute significantly to an e-scooter accident. Even if the rider has a lot of background experience, they can still get themselves into a serious collision due to a faulty e-scooter.
This is why it is critically important for companies to conduct regular maintenance checks to make sure their products are safe enough to release to the public. Failure to do so will result in lawsuits being filed by customers who suffered injuries from using defective products.
E-scooter riders have the expectation to use a safe product to get to their destination. When they use an e-scooter, such as Bird or Lime, they are placing their trust in the company. If the company happens to conduct poor maintenance checks and releases defective products to the public, they will face harsh consequences for any injuries caused by their e-scooters.
If you were hurt due to your own negligent actions, then you will not be allowed to file a claim against the e-scooter company. An example of negligence could be a rider operating an e-scooter while under the influence of alcohol. The rider’s vision becomes impaired, which makes it difficult to see properly. The rider is unable to maintain control of their e-scooter, thus getting into an accident with an oncoming vehicle.
If you can prove that your injury was caused by a defective e-scooter, then you may be entitled to receive compensation for your losses.
An e-scooter accident victim may be entitled to compensatory damages for:
If you or a loved one was involved in an e-scooter accident, West Coast Trial Lawyers has skilled Solana Beach e-scooter accident attorneys that have extensive experience in handling personal injury cases. Our attorneys will help you recover financial and emotional compensation for your losses.
We offer a free consultation at our Solana Beach personal injury firm. Reach out to our legal team 24/7 by calling (858) 283-5917 or emailing [email protected].
Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcome. We only accept service and ex parte notice at our Los Angeles office.
* in Yelp personal injury law category in Los Angeles