West Coast Trial Lawyers Is Here to Help

It is very common for people to feel overwhelmed after getting into a car accident. Oftentimes, the fear and adrenaline rush restricts a car accident victim from reacting to the situation in a way that could help them in the long run. For instance, collecting photographic evidence of your injuries or obtaining witness information at the scene of the accident are some of the many key factors that are needed to help build a strong personal injury claim. 

Failing to act accordingly is not the only issue that may arise after a car accident, but refusing to seek medical care or sharing false statements with the opposing party could also affect the result of your case. In the section below, we will thoroughly discuss car accident mistakes to give you a better idea on what you should avoid doing if you are involved in such a situation in the future. 

If you are a victim of a car accident and are in need of legal representation from a personal injury attorney, West Coast Trial Lawyers is readily available to assist. We have over 100 years of collective legal experience in handling personal injury cases. With our track record of recovering more than $1.5 billion in settlements and judgments for our clients, we are confident that we will get you the compensation you deserve for your losses.

To schedule a free consultation, we welcome you to contact us by calling (888) 573-3619 or filling out our quick contact form. We are available 24/7 to answer calls and respond to form submissions.

5 Common Car Accident Mistakes and How to Avoid Making Them

Negligent drivers are often found going against California’s road rules by doing one or more of the following: speeding, driving while under the influence, drowsy driving, or distracted driving while traveling on the road. If a car accident does occur due to either of these unlawful actions, the driver at-fault can face legal repercussions for any injuries or damages they may have caused. However, for this to happen, it is essential for the car accident victim to know what they should do after a car accident to prove that the reckless driver was at-fault for the crash. 

Unfortunately, many of these victims have been guided down the wrong path of how to handle a car accident case, which has ultimately resulted in an unfair outcome. To prevent future car accident victims from making the wrong decisions, we have created a list of common car accident mistakes and how you can avoid making the same ones yourself. 

You Openly Blamed Yourself for the Car Accident

Some people may believe that they are entirely at-fault for causing a car accident without knowing whether the opposing party had any involvement. Since you do not know the full details of what actually happened, you should not be openly admitting to anything. The opposing party will use any statements you say against you, which may lessen your chances of getting the compensation you may have been entitled to.

You Avoided Seeking Medical Treatment 

If you claim that you sustained injuries after an accident, but did not seek medical treatment, you may be perceived as a liar by the opposing party. You should immediately set up a doctor’s appointment or request assistance from the paramedics at the scene of the accident to get your injury checked out. Even if you do not feel any pain, you should still get it examined. Some people do not notice symptoms until days, weeks, or even months after a car accident. Catching the problem early on will help make your recovery process quicker.  

Any procedures, doctor visits, or prescriptions relating to the injury you sustained after the accident will be saved on file. You may use these medical records in your personal injury claim as proof that you were, in fact, wounded from the crash and are getting treated for it. 

You Chose Not to Contact the Police to Report the Car Accident

It is common for people to feel hesitant or fearful of contacting the police after a car accident, which is why many of these cases usually go unreported. Although these feelings are valid, it does not justify your decision to leave local authorities out of the situation. 

Any injuries or damages caused by a car accident should be handled by the police as soon as possible. They will file an official police report, which you may request a copy of to include in your personal injury claim. Not only will the police arrive to create the report, but the paramedics will also be present to administer immediate medical care to those who need it. 

You Did Not Gather Evidence 

As previously stated, there are car accident victims that may feel restricted from performing certain actions to build up their personal injury claim. This includes gathering evidence from the scene of the accident. Although it can be difficult to mentally and physically get your body to function after such a traumatic event, you should try to keep yourself in a calm state of mind to reduce any fear or anxiety you may be experiencing. It is easier said than done, but try your best.

Typically, the type of evidence a car accident victim should collect include the following:

  • Witness information;
  • Copy of the police report;
  • Medical records;
  • The opposing party’s insurance and contact information;
  • The opposing party’s license plate number and driver’s license details; 
  • Journal or diary entry of your perspective of the crash that includes the date and time of when it occurred; and 
  • Photos or video footage of your injuries, damages, location of where the car accident occurred, and the weather condition. 

The more evidence you collect, the better your claim will be. 

You Did Not Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

It isn’t uncommon for people to try to handle a car accident case all on their own. However, without the proper guidance of an experienced personal injury attorney, you are bound to make mistakes that will dramatically affect the outcome of your settlement. 

By hiring a personal injury attorney, you will be more prepared to handle your case. While you take time to recover from any physical or mental injuries you sustained from the car accident, your attorney will handle all of the hard work. They will help strengthen your claim and negotiate with the insurance companies to ensure you are given the best possible settlement offer. 

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