If someone gets hurt on your property, you could find yourself in deep trouble. Any injury that occurs on the property can result in the victim filing a premises liability claim against the property owner. This is why it is important to acquire liability insurance. While accidents happen, there are ways to prevent them and premise liability claims from being filed against you.
Below, our excellent team of premises liability attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers break down the different ways a property owner can be protected from a premises liability case.
If you sustained any injuries while on someone’s property, you may be eligible to file a claim against the party at-fault for damages. Contact our 24/7 legal team today by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form to schedule a free consultation.
Property Owner’s Duty of Care
All property owners owe their guests a duty of care when they enter the premises. Failing to provide adequate protection and/or warnings will result in an accident. Common premises liability cases include:
These cases usually occur in public and private locations, which include supermarkets, theme parks, houses, and schools.
If a visitor is injured on your property, they have the right to file a claim to the insurance company. If you do not have insurance, the aggrieved individual has the right to file a lawsuit against you personally and receive compensation for their injuries.
8 Ways to Prevent Premises Liability Claims
While some accidents are inevitable, they are preventable if the proper precautions are taken. Here are 8 ways to prevent premises liability claims against you:
How Premises Liability Is Determined
Premises liability is determined on a couple of different factors that regard the property owner’s negligence and how it contributed to the accident. The individual making the claim must prove the following:
How a Premises Liability Claim Can Affect Reputation
Having a premises liability claim can tarnish the reputation of a business, common place, or even a friend. In most cases, publicly denying that an accident occurred on your premises can do more harm than good. While it is wise to not publicly refute a claim made against you, you can still mitigate the financial damages, along with other damages done to the reputation of the property by having a specialized premises liability attorney on your side. They know how to work with insurance companies and mitigate damages.
Need a Premises Liability Attorney? West Coast Trial Lawyers Can Help
If an accident occurred on your property, you should consult an attorney about your premises liability case. Our experienced team of premises liability attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have with your case.
Call us today at 213-927-3700 or complete our online contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate legal team.
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